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Project/Problem Based Learning


Edutopia - The George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF) - Project-Based Learning A growing body of academic research supports the use of project-based learning in schools as a way to engage students, cut absenteeism, boost cooperative learning skills, and improve test scores. Various resources on project-based learning are featured.  
Edutopia Classroom Guides 

Background Information

Inquiry Based Learning Resources

Lesson plans that may contain projects

Math Projects


Rubrics/ Graphic Organizers

Science Projects

Social Studies Projects

Implementation Tools

The following PDF download provides a variety of tools that will guide and support students as they plan, monitor and evaluate their project work.
The following PDF download contains a structured form that will guide you (and your students) through the project planning process.
The Tuning Protocol is a structured, small group method for discussing project plans at the beginning of a project or presenting findings as the project progresses. It can help students provide insightful feedback about a project, and reveal potential problems.